“There is a work to be done in treating the sick with water and teaching them to make the most of sunshine and physical exercise. Thus in simple language we may teach the people how to preserve health, how to avoid sickness. This is the work our sanitariums are called upon to do. This is true science.” {SpM 137.2}

“Teach nurses and patients the value of those health-restoring agencies that are freely provided by God, and the usefulness of simple things that are easily obtained”.
Letter 100, 1903.
“Thousands need to be educated patiently, kindly, tenderly, but decidedly, that nine tenths of their complaints are created by their own course of action. The more they introduce drugs into the system, the more certainly do they interfere with the laws of nature and bring about the very difficulties they drug themselves to avoid. Let everyone who contemplates erecting an institution carefully consider whether they are to make it an institution conducted upon the principles of health reform, or whether they design to copy the popular institutions all through our land.”
Listen as you Read~
Baths of Antoninus in Carthage, Tunisia Thermae, or public baths, were an important art of everyday life in ancient Rome. The large and elaborate complexes were used as much for socializing as for scrubbing, and most sizeable cities had impressive thermae. Carthage was the greatest of Roman trading hubs in North Africa, so of course its baths had to be extra impressive. The massive construction, set along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, was completed during the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius and named after him.
Although much of the structure was demolished by the Vandals during the twilight of Roman rule, extended sections of the foundation still exist. The Baths of Antoninus are a large part of the Archaeological Site of Carthage, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
“Water is the best liquid possible to cleanse the tissues.”
{RH July 29, 1884, par. 7}
“In health and in sickness, pure water is one of Heaven’s choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist disease.“
The Ministry of Healing, 237, 1905 {CD 419.1}
2 Kings 5: 8-14 tells the story of God’s simple water treatment; washing in the Jordan 7 times. But, Naaman was a proud man and didn’t believe the prophet of Elisha’s messenger in the SIMPLICITY OF GOD’S HEALING and had to be reminded by his own servant! Shoud we be doubters of the simplicity of God’s method of healing? Or shoud we go forward with full assurane of faith in His WORD?
“Naaman’s servants entreated him to carry out Elisha’s directions: “If the prophet had bid thee do some great thing,” they urged, “wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?” The faith of Naaman was being tested, while pride struggled for the mastery. But faith conquered, and the haughty Syrian yielded his pride of heart and bowed in submission to the revealed will of Jehovah. Seven times he dipped himself in Jordan, “according to the saying of the man of God.” And his faith was honored; “his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”
{PK 249.2}
“But many have never learned by experience the beneficial effects of the proper use of water, and they are afraid of it. Water treatments are not appreciated as they should be, and to apply them skillfully requires work that many are unwilling to perform. But none should feel excused for ignorance or indifference on this subject. There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. All should become intelligent in its use in simple home treatments. Mothers, especially, should know how to care for their families in both health and sickness.”
{MH 237.2}
“…the most effective remedies for disease are pure soft water…” {MM 225.1}
“The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood…”
{MH 237.1}
“…if those who are afflicted would assist nature in her efforts by the USE OF PURE, SOFT WATER, much suffering would be prevented…”
{CH 61.2}

LIVING WATER “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:13, 14. By the living water is meant the Holy Spirit. As a thirsty traveler needs water to drink, so do we need God’s Spirit in our hearts. He who drinks of this water shall never thirst.” {SJ 55.1}
“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22
“A pure fountain cannot [send] forth sweet water and bitter. Cleanse the fountain and the streams will be pure.”
{2SG 288.1}
Personal Testimony
My personal Testimony on amazing healing results
from radiation burn exposure using God’s simplest
remedy- soft, pure water.
1a My Personal Testimony Using Soft, Pure Water for Radiation Burns
1b My Personal Testimony Using Soft, Pure Water for Hair
2 Water- Pioneers
3 Water- Jackson
4 Water- J.H. Kellogg
5 Water, blood, Living Water, Holy Spirit, Jesus
6 WATER- Spirit of Prophecy Quotes Compared with Pioneer Quotes
“I was taken to the spring, which is a little farther up the mountainside. This spring gives an abundance of soft, pure water, and is a treasure of inestimable worth.”
{RH August 25, 1904, par. 13}
Listen as you Read~
WE take the following from Dr. Jackson’s lectures on the use of water upon the human body, published in the Laws of Life for April, 1860: {1865 JW, HHTL 121.1}
“THE QUALITY OF WATER TO BE USED. – Water, to be of the highest benefit when used either by the healthy or the sick, should be pure and soft. By purity I mean freedom from impregnation by mineral substances, or earthly salts, or the infusion of vegetable matter, either or all of which render it more or less unfit for external or internal application. There never was a greater mistake in the use of an agent whose natural and ordinary effect is to promote human health, than is made by those who are led to believe that water impregnated with earthy and medicinal substances is more beneficial than water which is entirely free from them. Hence the popular belief that to wash the body in medicated water, or to use it as a drink, is superior to the use of pure water, leads to most doleful results. Water, therefore, which is to be used for bathing, or for drinking purposes, should be as free from all substances which do not enter essentially into its composition, as it is possible to obtain it. Hence in addition to its purity it should be soft. {1865 JW, HHTL 121.2}
“Hard water is neither fit to use as a detergent, nor as a diluent. Its unfitness for external use upon the body is readily perceived by whoever applies it for any length of time. For, the skin which in its healthy conditions is soft and velvety to the touch, and feels to one who has the sense of touch nicely developed, as if it were covered with oil, and then rubbed with the softest material till it is polished like Mahogany, when it is washed for any length of time in hard water, loses that softness, and acquires in its stead a roughness and harshness which is very unpleasant to the sight and to the touch. Housewives who have their hands much in water, know the difference between the effects upon their skin, of hard and soft water. In one instance the skin of the hands becomes dry, and readily cracks, making them sore: in the other, the hands are soft, the skin pliable and smooth. It is a very great mistake, therefore, on the part of persons who are in health, ever to use hard water for purposes of bathing: and however desirable it is to have what in common language is known as ‘living water’ – whether from a running brook, or a living spring, or a bubbling, boiling well – over water which is stagnant, by having been gathered and confined in a reservoir, still the difference is in favor of the latter when it is soft, and the running water is hard. Thus, if a family has near its dwelling a living spring of hard water, and in one corner of the house a well-built cistern in which water from the clouds is caught and kept pure, the fact that the rain-water has been for some time confined in a cistern, while the water from the spring is constantly fresh, does not overthrow the superiority of the rain-water – its softness being a quality which makes up for any lack of freshness that it may have. To satisfy one that this view is correct, it needs only to be used for the purposes of bathing a sufficient length of time to show its effects. {1865 JW, HHTL 121.3}
“WATER AS A DRINK.- It is not only for its effects upon the skin and indirectly upon the organs lying immediately subjacent to the skin, that water should be pure and soft; but, if possible, its effects upon the internal structure of the body, when taken as a drink, render it more imperatively necessary that pure and soft water should be used. Eighty per cent. of the human creature is made up of water. Thus, if you take a person weighing a hundred pounds, and place him where all the fluids in his body shall be removed, and you have left the actual dry material of which he is composed, he will be reduced in weight to twenty pounds. Now, for all this organic use, this great life-sustaining purpose, nothing but pure water will serve. Just to the degree that there is in it any material which does not enter essentially into the formation of this remarkable substance, is it spoiled for the uses to which we wish to put it. You can have no lime, soda, magnesia, arsenic, sulphur, nor any other medicinal substances in it; – nor the essences of vegetable substances, without rendering it unfit for the purposes for
which it is intended in the great constructive policy of Nature; as applied to the human body. This proposition being correct, we only need to go one step further to demolish entirely the popular belief in the virtues of medicinal springs. And this can be done easily enough whenever the occasion for doing it shall be appropriate. But my purpose at this time is to state my objections, not against the use of waters which are usually termed medicinal but against the use of waters which are not so considered, but are generally regarded as fit for use in the common purposes to which water is put as a drink, and in the preparations of our food. In other words, I wish to call your attention to the unfitness of all waters which are simply hard, for use as a drink, and for the purposes of cookery. {1865 JW, HHTL 122.1}
“On no single point is there need of enlightenment more than on this, of the superior quality of soft over hard water as a hygienic agent. Not only is hard water productive in many instances of diseased kidneys, irritation of the bladder, mucous dyspepsia, and scrofulous development, but as I have said before, its effects on the skin are to leave it rough, causing it to put on a dry, scaly appearance, making it to crack – and its effects on the mucous membrane are even worse, creating an irritation of that texture, serving to introduce dyspeptic conditions, sore throat, nasal catarrh, inactivity of the liver, costiveness, piles, and headache. Persons using it as a daily drink, never mingling it with anything else, would be marked over whole districts of country by habitual constipation, by dry skin, by shrivelled muscle, and are therefore, as if by instinct, led to avoid its use, unless modified by articles such as milk, sugar, tea, coffee, and alcoholic mixtures. I have known persons taking hygienic treatment for constipation of the bowels, whom physicians had utterly failed to cure by any hydropathic appliance, and have been compelled to resort to medicines, immediately relieved on the use of pure soft water as a drink. But this is only half its value. Its power as a solvent, as well as a tonic, its gentle and invigorating effect on free mucous surfaces, thus indirectly securing the health of all the senses, whose niceties of action depend on the health of the mucous tissue, are evidences of its advantage as a hygienic agent. {1865 JW, HHTL 123.1}
“We who are so artificially educated in all that pertains to the nicety of perception by the special senses, know very little of the instinctive dislike which the unperverted taste would show toward hard water as a drink. The animals might teach us on this point. Horsemen, who study the natural conditions of their horses, and seek to preserve their health, are very particular in procuring soft water for them to drink, they having been taught that the taste of the horse is so perfect and nice in this matter, as to cause him even when thirsty, to refuse to drink at hard-water springs, and go for miles till he can find soft water. Besides, horsemen say that the remote effects of hard water as a drink for the horse, are, that instead of a glossy, sleek appearance of the hair which the horse shows when in the habit of drinking soft water, there arises a staring, dry, and apparently half-deadened condition of the hair and skin, making the grooming of the animal doubly difficult. {1865 JW, HHTL 124.1}
“I am satisfied that right views and a practical reformation on this point on the part of the people, would do much toward introducing them to better conditions of health, even though other things should remain as at present. And I should advise every family who may read this lecture, and who use hard water either for drink or for culinary purposes, to take measures immediately to supply themselves with soft water in abundant quantities; and if it can only be obtained by being caught in reservoirs as it falls from the clouds, to filter it before it is used. Filtered rain-water is perfectly unobjectionable as a drink; and an expenditure of from five to twenty dollars in the purchase of a filter, would secure to any family in this land the means of purifying all the water they might need for drink and for cooking purposes.” {1865 JW, HHTL 124.2}
I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Ps.139:14. {1865 JW, HHTL 124.3}
“Christ ‘loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word; that He might present it unto Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.’” [Ephesians 5:25-27.]
“Water may be so applied as to excite special action in almost any organ in the body, if proper attention is paid to the temperature and the mode of application. It may be used so as to produce vomiting, purging, sweating, diuresis, etc. It may be made a tonic, a stimulant, a sedative, or an alterative. In fine, by means of it we can accomplish nearly all the results aimed to be produced by medicines.”
{Hygenic Family Physician MG Kellogg pg 119}
“If they will not hear his dear voice and drink of the water of life, what will any other voice avail?”
{PH002 28.1}

The voice of God…
“Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” Acts 14: 17
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
“Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first [month].” Joel 2:23
“My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:” Deut 32:2
Pure Water.—”Absolutely pure water is not found in nature. Rain water is the nearest approach to it; but even this gathers impurities of various sorts as it falls through the air, and often becomes very unwholesome by the absorption of foul gases and the collection of dust in this way. For any use connected with the human body, the purest water is always preferable to any other. Filtered rain water and distilled water are the purest forms of water attainable. ”
{Practical treatise on the bath, its history and uses by J. H. Kellogg, M. D. 1876, p 9-14}“Spring water is occasionally comparatively free from germs, also the water from driven wells which penetrate rocky strata. Malaria, as well as typhoid fever and cholera, is, I believe, usually contracted through the use of impure water. The value of boiling the water is well known even in Africa, India, and China. DISTILLED WATER is best of all. At the Sanitarium we use distilled water altogether for drinking purposes.”
{February 15, 1895 N/A, GCB 170.8 JH Kellogg}
“Persons in health should on no account neglect bathing. They should by all means bathe as often as twice a week. Those who are not in health have impurities of the blood, and the skin is not in a healthy condition. The multitude of pores, or little mouths, through which the body breathes, become clogged and filled with waste matter. The skin needs to be carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the pores may do their work in freeing the body from impurities; therefore, feeble persons who are diseased, surely need the advantages and blessings of bathing as often as twice a week, and frequently even more than this is positively necessary. Respiration is more free and easy if bathing is practiced, whether sick, or well. By bathing, the muscles become more flexible, the mind and body are alike invigorated, the intellect is brighter, and every faculty is livelier. The bath is a soother of nerves. It promotes general perspiration, quickens the circulation, overcomes obstructions in the system and acts beneficially on the kidneys and urinary organs. Bathing helps the bowels, stomach, and liver, giving energy and new life to each. Digestion is promoted by bathing, and instead of the system being weakened, it is strengthened. Instead of increasing the liabilities to cold, a bath properly taken fortifies against cold, because the circulation is improved, and the uterine organs, which are more or less congested, are relieved, for the blood is brought to the surface, and a more easy and regular flow of the blood through all the blood-vessels is obtained.”
{T21 103.1}
The following hydrotherapy baths and remedies below taken from Merrit G. Kellogg’s (Harvey Kellogg’s Brother) book entitled: “Hygienic Family Physician“
First, an endorsement from Loughborough regarding M. G. Kellogg’s book:
The Hygienic Family Physician
“THIS is the title of a work recently published at this Office. As the title suggests, it is a work especially designed for family use. The style in which it is written is such as to render it perfectly intelligible to all classes, as it is quite free from technical terms and phrases which are of such frequent occurrence in nearly all books of this kind which have previously appeared as to render them more or less objectionable. It is, nevertheless, “a complete guide for the preservation of health and the treatment of disease without the use of medicine.” {1868 JNL, HBH 1a.1}
The work is written in four parts. The subjects treated are, in Part I., Health and Hygienic Agents; Part II., Disease and Drugs; Part III., the Bath; Part IV., Diseases and their Treatment. A more minute description of each part is found below. This work is of a thoroughly practical nature, and should be in the hands of every family in the land, as it affords instruction of the most vital importance. Directions for the treatment of disease are so plain and minute that any person of ordinary intelligence with its assistance may successfully treat nine-tenths of all the cases of disease which occur in any neighborhood. The publishers have placed the price so low that the book may be obtained by any one who feels at all in need of such a work.” {1868 JNL, HBH 1a.2}
An endorsement on Loughborough from Sister White:
“The influence of Elder Loughborough is valuable in our churches. Just such a man is needed, one who has stood unwaveringly for the light that God has given to his people, while many have been changing their attitude toward this work of God. I say let Elder Loughborough do a work that is suffering to be done in the churches. The Lord would have his voice heard as was John’s, telling the things he has seen, and that which he has heard, which he himself has experienced in the rise and progress of the third angel’s message.”{1888 716.3} {Lt20-1890.9} October 7, 1890
Third Angel’s Message is right arm of the medical missionary work:
“The standard is to be uplifted, and the atonement of Christ presented as the grand, central truth. The medical missionary work is to the cause of God as the right arm of the body. The third angel’s message goes forth, proclaiming the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Medical missionary work is the gospel in practice. All lines of the work are to be blended in a complete whole in giving the invitation, “Come, for all things are now ready.” [Luke 14:17.] {Lt55-1898.4}
“As the right arm is to the body, so is the medical missionary work to the third angel’s message. But the right arm is not to become the whole body. The work of seeking the outcasts is important, but it is not to become the great burden of our mission.” {GCDB March 2, 1899, par. 13}
AND NOW, The following hydrotherapy baths and remedies below taken from Merrit G. Kellogg’s (Harvey Kellogg’s Brother) book entitled: “Hygienic Family Physician“:
Extracts from
Hygienic Family Physician
by Merrit G Kellogg
print out following on 4×6 index cards and file for quick and convenient reference:
PART III- The Bath: It’s Use and Application.
PART III- General Rules for Bathing
PART III- Temperature of Baths
“Physicians often advise their patients to take an ocean voyage, to go to some mineral spring, or to visit different places for change of climate in order to regain health, when in nine cases out of ten, if they would eat temperately, and take cheerful, healthful exercise, they would become well, and would save time and money.”
“The Best Water —The purest water is universally the best. Whatever beneficial effects are obtained from water drinking must be attributed to the water itself, and not to any ingredients which it contains. Mineral water are simply diluted drugs. The ingredients may be obtained at any drugstore, and if diluted to the same extent as that in which they are found in the so-called natural waters, the effects obtained from their use would be the same. Medical experience has shown that the best of the so-called mineral water are those which contain the least mineral ingredients. The very best water is distilled water which has been well aerated. Water obtained from natural sources is generally more or less contaminated, that from lakes, streams, and rivers being necessarily defiled by the fish and other creatures which live in natural bodies of water, and by surface drainage, which, after every rain, washes out quantities of filth. Water obtained from public supplies should always be boiled; indeed, this precaution is a wise one under nearly all circumstances. Hard water should always be boiled for a long time to eliminate, so far as possible, the lime which it contains; but even when boiled it is by no means free from this injurious ingredient. The larger the amount of saline ingredients, the more slowly the water is absorbed. The presence of acids encourages absorption. Carbonated distilled water and diluted fruit juices without sugar are the best drinks.”
{Rational Hydrotherapy, John Harvey Kellogg, pg 929-30}
Pioneer Dr. Jackson from book of James and Sister White:
“THE QUALITY OF WATER TO BE USED. – Water, to be of the highest benefit when used either by the healthy or the sick, should be pure and soft. By PURITY I mean freedom from impregnation by mineral substances, or earthly salts, or the infusion of vegetable matter, either or all of which render it more or less unfit for external or internal application. There never was a greater mistake
in the use of an agent whose natural and ordinary effect is to promote human health, than is made by those who are led to believe that water impregnated with earthy and medicinal substances is more beneficial than water which is entirely free from them. Hence the popular belief that to wash the body in medicated water, or to use it as a drink, is superior to the use of pure water,
leads to most doleful results. Water, therefore, which is to be used for bathing, or for drinking purposes, should be as free from all substances which do not enter essentially into its composition, as it is possible to obtain it. Hence in addition to its purity it
should be soft.”
{1865 JW, HHTL 121.2}
“…if those who are afflicted would assist nature in her efforts by the USE OF PURE, SOFT WATER, much suffering would be prevented…”
{CH 61.2}
“The horse called Parson was very sick. We feared he would die. We doctored him as well as we could, putting hot flannel blankets around him. He was relieved after several applications. We learned that hydrotherapy is for animals as well as for human beings.”
{Ms12-1873.4} Saturday, October 4, 1873“DISTILLED WATER is best of all. At the Sanitarium we use distilled water altogether for drinking purposes.“
{February 15, 1895 N/A, GCB 170.8 JH Kellogg}
“Our people have not all appreciated as they should the man through whom God has worked, and with whom He has cooperated upon the subject of health reform. They have not reasoned from cause to effect to understand how great was the blessing of the Sanitarium at Battle Creek under the management of Dr. Kellogg and his faithful associates. Through this work the truths of the third angel’s message have entered where it would otherwise have been very difficult for them to find entrance. But the perceptions of our people have been blinded. They have not felt that the Lord has greatly honored His people in establishing the Sanitarium which for the influence and success has not yet been surpassed. Why cannot the churches see that the Sanitarium has success because the Lord is especially at work to make it a place where the truth may be made known in a way that will recommend it to all classes, where it will be made manifest that God is honored, and that the truth of His word is the abiding principle by which all work.” {BCL 14.3} 1899
“Those who have turned away from the Battle Creek Sanitarium to get worldly physicians to care for them did not realize what they were doing. God established the Battle Creek Sanitarium. God worked through Dr. Kellogg; but men did not realize this. When they were sick, they sent for worldly physicians to come, because of something that the doctor had said or done that did not please them. This God did not approve. We have the authority of the Bible for our instruction in temperance.” {GCB April 6, 1903, Art. A, par. 25}
Our sanitariums are established as institutions where patients and helpers may serve God. We desire to encourage as many as possible to act their part individually in living healthfully. We desire to encourage the sick to discard the use of drugs, and to substitute the simple remedies provided by God, as they are found in water, in pure air, in exercise, and in general hygiene.
Battle Creek Sanitarium
Hydrotherapy Treatments for Disease
~ from pioneers who ran Battlecreek Sanitaruim~
The following information and remedies below taken from Merrit G. Kellogg’s (Harvey Kellogg’s Brother) book entitled:
“Hygienic Family Physician“:
Remedies followed by an asterisk (*) are from other trusted pioneer authors.
A Must Read!~The perfect blueprint from God.
print out following BELOW on 4×6 index cards and file for quick and convenient reference
Remedies followed by an asterisk (*) are from other trusted pioneer authors.
If there is a disease not listed below, please send me an email & I will gladly search to see if there is a pioneer remedy.
print out REMEDIES BELOW on 4×6 index cards and file for quick and convenient reference
- Dropsy (EDEMA)
- Goiter (enlarged thyroid)
- Inflammation & Congestion ~Quick reference
- Influenza (Good Treatment for Covid). HALF-PAGE FLU REMEDY FLYER TO SHARE
- Scrofula (Tumor)
- Disease
“In nine cases out of ten there is more danger of eating too much than too little. Some invalids who go to the Health Institute for treatment seem to think that they have no work to do in controlling their appetites. Frequently they eat double the amount their stomach can dispose of. This draws upon the vitality of the system, in order to get rid of the extra burden.”
” If the sick and suffering will do only as well as they know in regard to living out the principles of health reform perseveringly, then they will in nine cases out of ten recover from their ailments. ” {Ms22-1887.16}
“Experimenting in drugs is a very expensive business. Paralysis of the brain and tongue is often the result, and the victims die an unnatural death, when, if they had been treated perseveringly, with unwearied, unrelaxed diligence with hot and cold water, hot compresses, packs, and dripping sheet, they would be alive today.” {MM 228.2}
“My message is: Out of the cities. There are places out from the cities that have buildings that we would be able to secure where there was grass and flowers with plenty of grounds, where we could take the sick like a family, and let them drink in the atmosphere of heaven. In the cities there is nothing but walls and enough to keep them sick. We want to get them out where there are singing birds, with flowers, with trees and shade, where they can be in God’s line. Then the sick would have a remedy by using natural methods in securing health. Water, pure air, and to be near nature will restore health. When we began in Battle Creek the Lord blest wonderfully as we used these means. How drugs come in is a mystery to me with all the light God has given. The Lord does not want us to go into the cities to establish sanitariums unless there is some feeder in the cities to lead them out where they can get correct treatment.” {Ms186-1905.7}