Solid Biblical Truth Never Changes or Grows Old
Call to Judgment 1. Blow the trumpet loud and clear, Let all know the judgment’s near, Sanctify the holy fast, Taking in the poor outcast. Call the solemn assembly, Haste to end Christ’s agony. 2. Gather all to Zion’s hill, Judgment day’s demands fulfill. Congregation sanctify, Worldly pleasures crucify, Elders, children, groom and bride, Look upon His pierced side. 3. Come O priests at altar weep, Judgment hour’s no time to sleep. Spare Thy people, gracious Lord, Give them hearts of one accord. Judge Thy poor, break heathen’s reign; Seal them with the latter rain. 4. Pour out crowning gift of grace, Blessing of the holiest place. Sons and daughters prophesy; Earth’s Redeemer glorify. Holy bride Jerusalem Wed to King of Bethlehem.
“God has delivered all judgment into the hands of his Son; and as a righteous judge, Christ must pass sentence on every work whether it be good or bad. Justice is as much an expression of love as mercy.”
{RH Jan. 30, 1900, Article A, par 5}
This is a good series for beginners
The Judgment
“The scripture order of final events, taking place in heaven before Christ appears, shows that there is to be a judgment review fixing eternally the fate of men for life or for death. When this judgment hour opens in heaven, according to the vision of John on Patmos, there must come on earth a world-wide movement giving to all nations the message, “Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come.”
William A. Spicer, Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, 1937, SPIAM 12-13
“The wine of Babylon, as explained by the Adventists, was the doctrines by which the church was blinding the eyes of the people as to the great truths connected with the judgment-hour message.”
{1904 John N Loughborough, Last Day Tokens, pg. 162}
The Third Angel’s Message.
What Is It?
A. T. Jones connects the announcement of the 1st angel’s message (Rev 14:6-7) with the punishment of the 3rd angel’s message (Rev 14:9-11) as judgment, applicable upon those “living“, today!
THE Third Angel’s Message—this great threefold message—is in every feature present truth. And when in its own words it is shown that this message is given in view of the fact that the hour of God’s judgment “is come,” then when the time comes for this message to be given, it will be only present truth thoroughly to believe that “the hour of his judgment is come” in truth.
Indeed, that this message were ever given at all would be evidence in itself that the hour of his judgment is come; for no message of God can ever be given before the time. Therefore whenever this message shall be found sounding to the world, it will be then true that the hour of God’s judgment is come. And the word of the message that says so will be only the announcement of the fact that the hour of his judgment is come. And every one believing the message will believe that this is the fact: he will have to believe it, to be a believer of the message; because the very word of the message that he professes to believe says that this is so. And as certainly as he believes this, he will enter hourly into God’s judgment, and will constantly hold himself subject to all the tests of that judgment.
That message is now due in the world. It is being given to the world. For years this has been so. Therefore for years it has been, and it now is, present truth that the hour of God’s judgment is come. Thousands upon thousands of persons profess to believe that message. Thousands upon thousands have for years professed to believe that message. Therefore the principle is that this whole people of that message are entered hourly into God’s judgment, and, as constantly as they live, do subject themselves to all the searching tests of that judgment. All these, therefore, know that as for themselves, each individually, the judgment has begun upon the living; for they are living. To them the message of God has come that “the hour of his judgment is come;” they have accepted that message, and accordingly have entered into that judgment, and so they live constantly in the presence of that awful fact. Consequently we say again that with these there is no room for any such question as to “whether the judgment has begun upon the living.”
And if there be any who profess to believe this message, and yet are living as they would not live if they knew that the judgment had come, and would make a revolution in their lives if only they knew that the judgment had come upon the living, but would not make this revolution if they could be certain that the judgment had not come, then to what purpose to them could be a message, even if it were sent directly from heaven to them personally, that the judgment had begun upon the living? In such case, any change that would be sought or made, would have no virtue whatever; and these persons would be no more prepared for the decision of the judgment than if they had heard nothing about it; the only change that would be made in such a life would be altogether out of fear of the consequences, and not out of any love of righteousness. Therefore, in the nature of things, in such a case the word could not be, He is righteous, “let him be righteous still;” because he is not righteous: he has not love of righteousness in his heart. This is demonstrated by the fact that, under the very profession of this judgment-message, he lived without regard to the judgment: he indulged evil things in his life,—things which he knew could not pass the judgment,—and he continued to indulge them until the startling word came to him personally that the judgment was come to him. Then, all at once, and only that he may pass the judgment, and escape the consequences of the evil things that he has indulged in spite of righteousness, he sets forth to make a grand revolution in his life!
But no such thing as that will ever work in the judgment of God. Whoever will pass in righteousness the judgment of God, will do so only because he has “loved righteousness, and hated iniquity,” whether the judgment was begun upon him or not. He loves righteousness because it is righteousness, and he hates iniquity because it is iniquity; and he will no more indulge iniquity in his life with the judgment a thousand years away than with the judgment only a minute away.
There is, therefore, no room whatever for any professed believer of the Third Angel’s Message, for any Seventh-day Adventist, ever to ask whether the judgment has begun upon the living. Every true believer of the Third Angel’s Message, every true Seventh-day Adventist, KNOWS, because the word of God says it, and has said it for years, that “the hour of his judgment is come.” It is here: it is a present thing as certainly as the world is here. And, knowing this, every true Seventh-day Adventist lives accordingly: he puts himself alive into the judgment; he reins himself up hourly before the judgment seat; because “the hour of his judgment is come.” To the true believer of the Third Angel’s Message this is a fact: it is living truth.
And how shall he ever give this message to the world otherwise? Can he, with any force of truth at all, preach to another man that the hour of God’s judgment “is come,” when he himself does not believe at all that it “is come,” but only that it will come? Who is there in the world that does not believe that God’s judgment will come? But the Third Angel’s Message is not that the judgment will come; but that the very time, the “hour, of his judgment IS COME.”
Since this judgment, in its decision when pronounced, is but a recognition and declaration of a condition that already exists, and is, therefore, practically instantaneous, it follows that the means of preparation for this awful decision shall be such that it shall be able to effect that preparation also instantaneously. And precisely this provision is that which is offered by the Lord in this great, glorious Third Angel’s Message; for it carries the “everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” And this everlasting gospel is “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith.” And those who are thus made righteous live righteously; because they “live by faith.” This power of God is creative, and is, therefore, instantaneous in its action. And any soul loving and longing for righteousness, and hating and desiring to escape iniquity, who hears this message of the everlasting gospel, announcing that the hour of God’s judgment is come, and enters into the judgment in this hour, can be by that everlasting gospel prepared for the judgment. And while he holds himself in the presence of the judgment, subject to all its searching tests, and holds fast this everlasting gospel,—its power to save, and the righteousness that it reveals,—he is ready for the crisis of that judgment at any moment in the “hour;” because, when comes the critical moment in which his name is reached, he is righteous by the “power of God” and by the righteousness of God, which that gospel has given to him; and most gladly will the Judge speak the joyous words, “Let him be righteous still.”
This, so far, is what the Third Angel’s Message is in spirit and in truth. And this is why it is that righteousness by faith “is the Third Angel’s Message in verity.” That message of God declares that “the hour of his judgment is come.” Do you believe it?
A. T. Jones.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 77, No. 04, Jan. 23, 1900, p. 56. (italics in the original)
2520 Represents Judgment ,
The “Seven Times” of Leviticus 26;
The “Curse” written in the Law of Moses – Dan 9:11
Please note there are TWO 2520 Time Prophecies- one representing the tribe of Judah and the other, Israel.
click on chart to view & download

Our 2520th Lamb

Christ gave Himself, an atoning sacrifice, for the saving of a lost world. He was treated as we deserve, in order that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. “With His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.
What Love!
{8T 208.3}
John 14:6
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 12:32
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me.”
The mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries.
{AG 186.6}
Jesus’ earthly ministry was for 70 prophetic weeks/ 7 years or 2520 days. This chart shows Satan’s counterfiet against Christ’s true ministry:

During Jesus’ ministry in person here on earth (27 AD to 31 AD = 3 ½ years), there were two lambs slain daily in the sanctuary services; one in the morning and one in the evening for 3 ½ years or 1260 days. If 2 lambs are sacrificed daily for 3 ½ years/ 1260 days (2 lambs x 1260 = 2520) that comes out to 2520 lambs. When Jesus hung on the cross, the evening sacrificial lamb of the sanctuary service got away, so this means they were one lamb short, having only 2519 lambs. Jesus replaced the lamb that escaped, being fitly represented as our 2520th lamb!
Gal 3:13
“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree:”
None but Christ could redeem fallen man from the curse of the law and bring him again into harmony with Heaven. Christ would take upon Himself the guilt and shame of sin–sin so offensive to a holy God that it must separate the Father and His Son. Christ would reach to the depths of misery to rescue the ruined race.
{PP 63.2}
“When the loud cry, “It is finished,” came from the lips of Christ, it was the hour of the evening sacrifice. The lamb representing Christ had been brought to be slain. The priest stood with lifted knife, the people looking on. But the earth trembled, for the Lord Himself drew near. With a rending noise the inner veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom by an unseen hand, throwing open to the gaze of the multitude a place once filled with the presence of God. The most holy place of the earthly sanctuary was no longer sacred.
{HLv 505.2}
When Israel rebelled against God, the “Curse of Moses” (Daniel 9:11; Leviticus 26:28) went into effect. (The “curse” is “7 times.” 7 x 360 days per year—2520 days/years of curse.). Spititual & literal Israel is still under that same “curse” (deserving of death due to transgression of law) today; but, Christ has made a way of escape! Do you accept Jesus, our 2520 Lamb?
1John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Daniel 9:11
“Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that [is] written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him. “
“Curse of Moses” of Lev. 26:
26:18 “And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times (2520) more for your sins.”
26:21 “And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times (2520) more plagues upon you according to your sins.”
26:23 “And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;”
26:24 “Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times (2520) for your sins.”
26:28 “Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times (2520) for your sins.”
26:33 “And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.”
emphasis added
Matt 12:30
“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
The subject of the sanctuary . . . should be clearly understood by the people of God. All need a knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High Priest. . . .
{FLB 203.2}

Other 2520 Biblical examples of judgment upon the Israelites & Jericho:
Judges 6:1
“And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.”(2520 days)
Josh 6:4
“And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times (2520), and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.”

Christ was our perfect 2520th sacrificial Lamb
who will execute
a perfect (2520) judgment
upon the wicked.

2520 Accusations Refuted by Dario Taylor
Sister White’s Endorsement on the 2520/ Seven Times. This manuscript was released in 2015 when the E.G. White Estate released all her writings.
James White taught the 2520 in 1875
James White 1864 Seven Times Article
1872 Fundamental Beliefs- 2300 year prophcy longest time prophecy
Which Prophetic Period is the Longest, Reaching to 1844?
Rise and Measure the Temple
The Prophetic Times of Leviticus 26 by Lee. Explains the curse (2520) of Leviticus 26.
Chronology of 1843 & 1850 Charts which Support the 2520 by M. Harris
Scattering and Gathering -(history outline) by Christine Guardo
Some Honest Questions– Scattering and Gathering by Christine Guardo
Questions & Aswers About the 2520 by a Retired Professor by Pat Rampey
Does the 1863 Chart Invalidate the 2520 Prophecy? by M Harris
Sure-Word -March-April 2011– addresses the 2520 and the 1863 Chart
Key to the Prophetic 1863 Chart– a key of explanation for the 1863 Chart which includes the 2520 explanation! by James White
The Spirituality of the Seven Times by Jamal Sankey
1843 Chart

The Wedding Invitation

O what senseless excuses are made for refusing to accept the conditions upon which salvation is promised! The excuses are varied that men offer to God for refusing his invitation, but they have no weight with God. The Lord has provided the feast at infinite expense, at a cost beyond all human computation. Who can comprehend the fact that God humbled himself to bear the transgressions of a fallen world? We despise Esau for selling his birthright for a mess of pottage; what about your own case? Has not your reason been convinced that you should accept the gospel invitation? Has not the Holy Spirit done its office work upon your heart and convinced you of sin, and you have thought you would repent and be ready when the messengers came to bid you to the wedding? The invitation has come to you, but when the final message reached your ears, and you heard the voice saying, “Come; for all things are now ready,” were you ready to respond? When Esau sold his birthright, he thought he could easily win it back; but he found no place for repentance. Take heed lest you too long slight the heavenly invitation.
RH November 5, 1895, par. 6