The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Ps 19:1
The beginning of time…
"This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;"
Genesis 5:1
An amazing lost discovery of a treasured jewel (how to calculate time) that has been hidden beneath the rubbish of error is being brought forth for closer investigation. Jesus, the dirt brush man, is removing the rubbish so we can see the luster of this beautiful jewel!
The beginning of time has been established by our Creator through the movement of the heavenly bodies — by the sun, moon & stars — which clearly establishes the weekly 7 day cycle & seventh-day sabbath!
“O consistency, thou art a jewel!”
Videos on this subject will be forthcoming as this is a new topic of discovery which proves the seventh-day Sabbath cycle has never been lost and it disproves the false lunar Sabbath teaching as well.
Please periodically check back for more videos and information!
We do not propose that the following book is perfect but certain portions have been cited by one of our less known pioneers in the 1800’s to prove Creation and the Sabbath as being accurate. It is worth an investigation since we realize upon closer examination that the basic Biblical concepts presented actually prove the seventh-day Sabbath.
“I was then carried back to the creation and was shown that the first week, in which God performed the work of creation in six days and rested on the seventh day, was just like every other week. The great God in his days of creation and day of rest, measured off the first cycle as a sample for successive weeks till the close of time. “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created. (Gen 2:4)” God gives us the productions of his work at the close of each literal day. Each day was accounted of him a generation, because every day he generated or produced some new portion of his work. On the seventh day of the first week God rested from his work, and then blessed the day of his rest, and set it apart for the use of man. The weekly cycle of seven literal days, six for labor, and the seventh for rest, which has been preserved and brought down through Bible history, originated in the great facts of the first seven days.
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When God spake his law with an audible voice from Sinai, he introduced the Sabbath by saying, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” He then declares definitely what shall be done on the six days, and what shall not be done on the seventh. He then, in giving the reason for thus observing the week, points them back to his example on the first seven days of time. “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” This reason appears beautiful and forcible when we understand the record of creation to mean literal days. The first six days of each week are given to man in which to labor, because God employed the same period of the first week in the work of creation. The seventh day God has reserved as a day of rest, in commemoration of his rest during the same period of time after he had performed the work of creation in six days.
But the infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. It makes indefinite and obscure that which God has made very plain. It is the worst kind of infidelity; for with many who profess to believe the record of creation, it is infidelity in disguise. It charges God with commanding men to observe the week of seven literal days in commemoration of seven indefinite periods, which is unlike his dealings with mortals, and is an impeachment of his wisdom.” {3SG 90.1-91.1}

Interesting VISUAL video of how a solar eclipse occurs with the cyclical movements of the sun and moon
(be sure and mute the background music!)
Please note, we only endorse content of videos presented and not all videos or materials that may be presented by the same ministry. We do our best to only present material/ videos that is/ are in agreement with our biblically established pioneer teachings. We find the topic of time very interesting from Bill Cave, however; WE DO NOT ENDORSE HIS TEACHINGS ON THE KING OF THE NORTH.