

This series is worth watching. Helps us to understand why we “think” (our opinions instead of “thus saith the Lord”) the way we do today.
They are 10 minute segments; so easy to watch. There are a total of 18 videos of which the first 10 videos are presented.

Please visit youtube channel site for remaining videos. ScottishProfessor – YouTube

“The education given to the young molds the whole social fabric. Throughout the world society is in disorder, and a thorough transformation is needed. Many suppose that better educational facilities, greater skill, and more recent methods will set things right. They profess to believe and receive the living oracles, and yet they give the word of God an inferior position in the great framework of education. That which should stand first is made subordinate to human inventions. {6T 150.1}
It is so easy to drift into worldly plans, methods, and customs and have no more thought of the time in which we live, or of the great work to be accomplished, than had the people in Noah’s day. There is constant danger that our educators will travel over the same ground as did the Jews, conforming to customs, practices, and traditions which God has not given. With tenacity and firmness some cling to old habits and a love of various studies which are not essential, as if their salvation depended upon these things. In doing this they turn away from the special work of God and give to the students a deficient, a wrong education. Minds are directed from a plain “Thus saith the Lord,” which involves eternal interests, to human theories and teachings. Infinite, eternal truth, the revelation of God, is explained in the light of human interpretations, when only the Holy Spirit’s power can unfold spiritual things. Human wisdom is foolishness; for it misses the whole of God’s providences, which look into eternity.” {6T 150.2}