Solid Biblical Truth Never Changes or Grows Old

The Great Controversy. Here is a marvelous book that leads one to the Scriptures, opening them up to the PRESENT TRUTH- beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., down to our day, disclosing the most important and solemn events to soon transpire before and after probation (salvation) closes upon the world. Next to the Bible, I cannot recommend of any that will help you trace the one golden thread woven through the whole Bible better than this volume: God’s revelation of His perfect plan and purpose for the salvation of mankind and the eternal future glory that awaits the faithful and the terrible demise that awaits the rebellious wicked and Satan’s final destruction to eradicate sin forever.
Daniel and Revelation are two of the most important books in all the Bible. The volume below is a critical study of these books, verse by verse, designed to bring out the stirring, practical, and prophetic truths which they contain.
Many have considered these portions of Scripture hard to understand; but here a key is put into the reader’s hand, which has made plain to thousands what was before dark and obscure. The field of history is carefully scanned, and its emphatic response to the voice of prophecy is shown to be clear and beyond dispute. A prophecy fulfilled (and there are many such in this book) is a most powerful antidote against skepticism.
Prophecy is still fulfilling. Scenes of the most startling nature are just before us, which all should understand.
“Those who desire to become successful students of the prophecies will find “Daniel and the Revelation” an invaluable help. They need to understand this book [referring to Uriah Smith’s book]. It speaks of past, present, and future, laying out the path so plainly that none need err therein. Those who will diligently study this book will have no relish for the cheap sentiments presented by those who have a burning desire to get out something new and strange to present to the flock of God. The rebuke of God is upon all such teachers. The great, essential questions which God would have presented to the people are found in Daniel and the Revelation. There is found solid, eternal truth for this time. Everyone needs the light and information it contains.”
{1MR 61.2}
“The truth for this time has been brought out in many books. Let those who have been dealing in cheap sentiments and foolish tests, cease this work and study Daniel and the Revelation. They will then have something to talk about that will help the mind. As they receive the knowledge contained in this book, they will have in the treasure house of the mind a store from which they can continually draw as they communicate to others the great, essential truths of God’s Word.”
{1MR 62.4}
“Now is come the time of the revelation of the grace of God. Now is the gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed. Satan will seek to divert the minds of those who should be established, strengthened, and settled in the truths of the first, second, and third angels’ messages. The students in our schools should carefully study Daniel and the Revelation, so that they shall not be left in darkness, and the day of Christ overtake them as a thief in the night. I speak of this book because it is a means of educating those who need to understand the truth of the Word. This book should be highly appreciated. It covers much of the ground we have been over in our experience. If the youth will study this book and learn for themselves what is truth, they will be saved from many perils.”
{1MR 63.4}
The Formative Power of a Great Book
The volume by Uriah Smith called Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation occupies a unique and prominent place in Adventist history. More than any other publication it has given us an honored place among prophetic expositors of our day. It is a verse-by-verse explanation of the two books concerned, and the prestige it has brought to the Adventist Church is of real value. With this book our members all felt that our prophetic message had taken concrete form and was well documented. From the day this large work became known, the literature of the remnant church began a new chapter. This is evident when we notice how it was spoken of in the Review, our church organ. In an issue of that paper dated August 4, 1885, we find the following: {1947 LHC, FSG 357.5}
Thoughts On Daniel and the Revelation {1947 LHC, FSG 358.1}
“By Elder U. Smith {1947 LHC, FSG 358.2}
“A Book which Scientists, Historians, Scripture Students, and all Lovers of Good Literature, can read with Pleasure and Profit. {1947 LHC, FSG 358.3}
“All know that the books of Daniel and the Revelation are two of the most wonderful books in the Bible. The author of this work gives us the result of nearly thirty years’ study, and throws such a flood of light on these two books as no other work in any language has ever done. No fanciful theories are presented, but arguments are drawn from ancient and modern history and the most reliable authorities, in great abundance, to make clear the meaning of these important books of the Bible, verse by verse, and convey an amount of information which cannot elsewhere be found in so concise a form. {1947 LHC, FSG 358.4}
“In reading this book, our minds are carried through the history of the rise and fall of four great nations of the past, which are represented by the great image of gold, silver, brass, and iron, from the old Assyrian empire down to the division of the Roman Kingdom, and on through the Dark Ages in which Roman power and Mohammedan superstition were felt and seen all over the earth. The great Revolution in France in 1793-1798, which is fresh in the minds of all readers, and the Eastern Question, which is now attracting the attention of all the leading statesmen of the world, are carefully considered as way marks on the great stream of time. {1947 LHC, FSG 358.5}
“Our own government, the youngest power in history, and the greatest marvel of national development-a nation which began its independent existence just one hundred years ago, with 815,615 square miles of territory and a population of about 3,000,000, but has now increased its territory to 3,678,392 square miles, and its population to over 52,000,000-is treated from a standpoint which will make it a subject of great interest to all. The author believes this nation to be a subject of prophecy-a prophecy which not only describes its present exalted position, but points out its future course and destiny. {1947 LHC, FSG 358.6}
“It is a volume of 800 pages, printed on fine paper, handsomely bound, and illustrated with colored plates. Sold by subscription only.” {1947 LHC, FSG 359.1}
Testimonials {1947 LHC, FSG 359.2}
“From Prof. C. O. Nepper, Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio:- {1947 LHC, FSG 359.3}
“‘I am glad you wrote to me for I wanted to tell you how much I am pleased with “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation.” Since you were here, I have been reading it, and the more I read, the more I am interested and delighted with it. Prophecy is a matter that is claiming much attention at present among theologians. The interpretation given by Prof. U. Smith is very satisfactory. His style is beautiful; his statements perfectly fair; his arguments honest and logical; and at the same time, the thoughts are given in so clear a manner that the commonest mind can understand them. It is a book that everybody ought to read, especially in these times when the faith of men is so wavering. I hope you may have good success in selling the work, for I am sure no one will regret his subscription when he comes to read his book. A few days before I received your letter, I told my wife that I would not take double the price I paid for my copy, if it could not be replaced.’ {1947 LHC, FSG 359.4}
“From Prof. D. Moury, Principal Normal Department, Central Tennessee College:- {1947 LHC, FSG 359.5}
“‘Having read “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation,” by Prof. U. Smith, I am highly pleased with it. The literature is such that all can readily understand it. It shows the real value of all historical knowledge. It demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that the Bible is a book of truth, and shows infidelity to be a great mistake. While it is interesting, it is instructive, and as a work of solid worth, it is valuable to us beyond the preciousness of gold. I cannot see how any young man or woman, who has any cultured tastes for history, can afford to be without the knowledge it contains, or how any father or mother in this age of knowledge can feel free to allow their children to be ignorant of the living themes with which it is filled. I am glad that it is being circulated among the people, and wish these noble spirits who are circulating it unbounded success.’ {1947 LHC, FSG 359.6}
“Agents Wanted. {1947 LHC, FSG 360.1}
“Address, Review and Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. {1947 LHC, FSG 360.2}
“Or, PACIFIC PRESS, Oakland, California” {1947 LHC, FSG 360.3}
-Review and Herald, Aug. 4, 1885, page 495. {1947 LHC, FSG 360.4}
This outstanding work on prophecy has brought the light of the advent message to millions in many lands. In America alone we have sold more than 340,000 copies. {1947 LHC, FSG 360.5}
Sister White’s endorsement on Uriah Smith’s book: Daniel and the Revelation
Instruction has been given me that the important books containing the light that God has given regarding Satan’s apostasy in heaven should be given a wide circulation just now; for through them the truth will reach many minds. Patriarchs and Prophets, Daniel and The Revelation, and The Great Controversy are needed now as never before. They should be widely circulated because the truths they emphasize will open many blind eyes. . . Many of our people have been blind to the importance of the very books that were most needed. Had tact and skill then been shown in the sale of these books, the Sunday-law movement would not be where it is today.- Review and Herald, Feb. 16, 1905 {CM 123.1}
In the Desire of Ages, Patriarchs and Prophets, and in Daniel and the Revelation, There is precious instruction. These books must be regarded as of special importance, and every effort should be made to get them to the people.- Letter 229,1903 {CM 123.2}
The light given was that Thoughts on Daniel and The Revelation, The Great Controversy, and Patriarchs and Prophets, would make their way. They contain the very message the people must have, the special light God had given His people. The angels of God would prepare the way for these books in the hearts of the people.– Special Instruction Regarding Royalties, p.7 (1899){CM 123.3}
Interesting quote comparisons on the Books of Daniel and Revelation in the Bible with Uriah Smith’s book, “Daniel and the Revelation.”