“Devotion, piety, and sanctification of the entire man come through Jesus Christ our righteousness. The love of God needs to be constantly cultivated. O how my heart cries out to the living God for the mind of Jesus Christ! I want to lose sight of self.”
{TMK 55.5}

The mind assimilates to that which it feeds upon. The secular papers are filled with accounts of murders, robberies and other revolting crimes, and the mind of the reader dwells on the scenes of vice therein depicted. But indulgence, the reading of sensational or demoralizing literature becomes a habit, like the use of opium or other baleful drugs, and as a result, the minds of thousands are enfeebled, debased, and even crazed. Satan is doing more through the productions of the press to weaken the minds and corrupt the morals of the youth than by any other means.
{RH December 26, 1882, par. 21}
Cheerfulness is greatly promotive of health, while sadness and melancholy are often precursors of disease,and are always detrimental to health. The influence of the mind over the physical conditions of the body is very great. An individual in good health may become diseased, and even die, through the sole influence of his own perverted imagination. In fact, it is often the case that individuals who are but slightly ailing dwell upon their ailments, imagining themselves in a worse condition than they really are, and give way to their morbid feelings, until they finally induce the very conditions in which they imagine themselves to be, thus, by mental influence alone, bringing themselves to the brink of the grave.
Again, many individuals who have been most seriously ill, have recovered from their illness when apparently beyond the reach of assistance. When inquiry is made concerning the cause of their recovery, it is found that they had great hope and cheerfulness, and an indomitable will that would not yield to discouragements, but which kept them ever hopeful and cheerful, which state of mind soon induced in their systems a change for the better, which, after a time, resulted in their entire recovery. Cheerful companionship promotes health; while the society of persons who are fretful or desponding is liable to induce the same conditions in others and thereby bring them into a state in which they will be easily susceptible to the influences of disease. For this reason, a person who would have health should seek the society of cheerful companions, and should also be cheerful himself, without worrying and fretting over that which he cannot avoid, or concerning which he knows nothing. He should ever feel that if he faithfully performs all his duties, it will be safe for him to trust both himself and the consequences of his deeds with Him who sees the end from the beginning. He should also have an aim in life, a something to accomplish. Without this, he will have nothing to induce him to put forth effort and develop the full powers of his being.
A person who passes listlessly through life, with no object to accomplish, and with no feeling of sympathy and love for his fellows, can never become fully developed; the brain and nerve tissues will not be properly matured because not sufficiently exercised, and the individual will be liable to pass finally into a state of semi-idiocy or of disease. Therefore, to be healthy, be cheerful, hopeful, sociable, energetic; aim high, and try to accomplish something. Make life a success.
Hygienic Family Physcian by M. G. Kellogg Pg 44-46
Seven Psychological Sins

A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
Ps 11:13