Alonzo Trevier Jones, (1850-1923). Editor, author, preacher. Jones became an SDA in 1874 while in the Army at Fort Walla Walla. He soon became involved in evangelism in the Northwest. He was called in 1885 to assist with periodical editorial work at the Pacific Press, where Ellet J. Waggoner was also working as editor. Jones’ knowledge of history enabled him quickly to become the church’s expert on the fulfillment of prophecy in the realm of religious liberty. With Waggoner, he pushed the frontiers of understanding the righteousness of Christ in relation to liberty and salvation. May of 1888 Senator Blair brought a national Sunday bill to the U. S. Senate, with Jones appearing later that year before a Senate committee to oppose that legislation on behalf of the church, the first of many testimonies he would give in those settings.
The 1888 General Conference Session brought to a head the differences between the church leadership (G. I. Butler and Uriah Smith in particular) and Jones and Waggoner. The issues were prophecy and salvation. Ellen White endorsed the urgency of the crisis in relation to religious liberty and prophecy highlighted by Jones. She observed that the 1888 session was “the hardest and most incomprehensible tug of war we have ever had among our people” (1888 182.2). She later would call the salvation message Jones and Waggoner were presenting “most precious” and prophesied against those who called them “fanatics, extremists, and enthusiasts” (1888 1336.2 & 1341.2). During the 1890s both Jones and W. W. Prescott erred by supporting the prophetic claims of Anna Rice, but quickly repented on reproof from Ellen White. Jones continued his speaking and writing, publishing at least six major historical works during the next 10 years. In 1897 he became editor of the Review and Herald for a few years.
Ellen White repeatedly, at least through 1899, spoke of Jones as a messenger of God with a special work to do (1888 1455.2), and warned of the “fatal delusion” of rejecting the message, especially if either Waggoner or Jones were to lose their way (1888 1455.2), the church entered into the period when it would “remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years” (Lt 184, 1901)
- Ancient Sun Worship and its Impact on Christianity by A. T. Jones
- Christian Education by Jones
- Ecclesiastical Empire by Jones
- God’s Sabbath – The Only Lord’s Day by Jones
- Lessons on Faith by Jones and Waggoner
- The Apostasy of Israel No. 5, 1893 Article by A. T. Jones A MUST READ!!
- The Consecrated Way by Jones
- The Empires of the Bible by Jones
- The Great Nations of Today by Jones
- The History of Government by A. T. Jones
- The Rights of the People by A. T. Jones
- The Two Republics by Jones
- General Conference Daily Bulletin, 1897 The Apostasy of Israel.—No. 6. by A. T. Jones (Sunday Evening, March 14, 1897) Article. The Apostasy of Israel Repeated in Modern Times

- 1893 The Third Angel’s Message by A. T. Jones– Sunday Law addressed
- 1895 The Third Angel’s Message by A. T. Jones
- 1897 The Third Angel’s Message by A. T. Jones
10- A.T. Jones – Battle of Armageddon, The Third Angel’s Message, Get ready, Get ready, Get, Ready
What Folks Are Saying…
“Sermon 17 and 18 both go together (referring to 1895 book above), one just builds on the other, I have copied a lot from both chapters that I go over continually to get the concepts solidly implanted in my mind. Over several months I was studying the same theme on having a solid connection with the Lord and being ready when He comes so I have a lot of things from the 7A B C on Mrs. Whites comments about this. I have been reading Lessons on Faith and am finding a lot of good things in it too. Jones and Wagner were sure used by the Lord to show us how we have been deceived by the enemy and what we need to do to correct the situation, and be ready when Christ comes. It’s too bad the message was rejected by our leaders and we are still here on this earth so many years later.
I have struggled with having a real relationship with the Lord all my life so that theme is very important to me. I was grounded real good in school with the idea I needed to do everything myself instead of letting the Lord work in me to accomplish my salvation. Even when I did realize the Lord needed to work in me I didn’t know how to let go and let Him do it. I’m sure glad God gives us the help we need to understand His ways.Jones and Wagner’s books have been a real blessing to me. They explain things in a way even I can understand.
The information regarding the Three Angels Messages is important but if my personal relationship with God isn’t what it ought to be they won’t save me. We have to have both. Even as I go back over my notes I’m finding different things each time.
Thank you for sending me your information.” (Anonomous)