Creation from a Redwood Tree

Daniel 2 -Carving Getting the Tree
Daniel 2 -Carving Stage 2
Daniel 2 -Carving Stage 3
Daniel 2 -Carving Stage 4
Daniel 2 -Carving Stage 5
Idaho- April 28, 2019
Daniel’s Travels
First Outing- Las Vegas, May 2019
Second Outing- From Las Vegas to Berrein Springs, MI, August 2019
My husband (Darrel) and I had the privilege of transporting the Daniel 2 Image to the Village SDA Church in Berrein Springs, Michigan. The opportunity to see the interest and expressions of folks along the journey was most impressive– from an atheist handing us a widow’s mite toward the ministry to the groups of folks flocking around the image with inqusitive questions while re-feuling gas, was a tremendous blessing! The warm reception at the Village Church, along with the debut of the Image across the street of the Community Fairgrounds was impressinve as folks gathered about the Image taking photos and asking questions. During our road travels, folks looked up the web site (advertized at rear of vehicle on bottom of image) on their cell phones and as they drove past our vehicle, they would give us thumbs up! God truly has many avenues in reaching souls for Christ. Imagine when the Loud Cry of the 3rd angel’s message goes forward!! What a day that will be!
6 replies on “Daniel 2 Statue”
Nice !! I need a statue to put on the dashboard of my car, better yet for my desk. Any for sale??
Hello Brother Vinnie, Interesting that you ask. Yes, there are some for sale or that will be for sale as Brother Witcombe is in the process of having some made. His website is
I was there at the Alexis Hotel for the Daniel 11 Symposium and had my picture taken in front of the Daniel statue.
I find it fascinating what God is doing to alert people to the Bible and the nearness of Jesus coming.
Thank you for your comment Lorna. Yes; it is wonderful to see God’s hand at work in reaching souls for the kingdom. We pray that each one who visits this site will share these beautiful truths with all, near and far. May the Lord inspire you with His love and guide you into all truth. Blessings, Melinda
When I first came across this statue 2 yrs ago, I was just thrilled to see what is being done to illustrate these very important truths and advertise Bible prophecy! Kudos to whomever had the idea and created it- it’s awesome! You should team up with Messiah’s Mansion folk…. I also want to compliment you on a very attractive and informative website. I tried to get hold of Don Frost back in 2019, wasn’t successful, but I’m glad somebody is promoting this statue more! I’m looking forward to meeting all of YHWH’s cutting-edge people who are about His business on that great day around the Throne. Until then, blessings to you in the name of the LORD…
Thank you for visiting our website Sister Melissa. We hope it will be a place for folks to learn the beautiful truths of God’s word and see the how God’s hand has been in the movement of this world’s history with impecabble accuracy, taking us to the 2nd Coming. God’s timing is perfect in all things. YHWH be with you dear Sister.